<Because In Our World Something Is Always Hidden 浩瀚無垠>
May, 2024

< Violets >
——— Louise GLÜCK
Because in our world
something is always hidden,
small and white,
small and what you call
pure, we do not grieve
as you grieve, dear
suffering master; you
are no more lost
than we are, under
the hawthorn tree, the hawthorn holding
balanced trays of pearls: what
has brought you among us
who would teach you, though
you kneel and weep,
clasping your great hands,
in all your greatness knowing
nothing of the soul’s nature,
which is never to die: poor sad god,
either you never have one
or you never lose one.
Because in our world
something is always hidden
「當想到我短暫的生命會吞沒於永恆時間,以及我所佔據的狹小空間會消融在陌生的無限空間,我便感到驚慌。」 ── 哲學家 布萊茲‧帕斯卡 (Blaise Pascal)
浩瀚的宇宙施予無垠的律動,驟眼的閃爍引領平行的穿梭,萬物變化隱藏於動靜之間;宇宙一詞蘊含空間與時間,在沒有邊界與拋離物理時間之後,人類因隨著個人經驗上抽象的概念,在無限輪迴的宇宙圈內展現彼此的差異。展覽副題以詩人Louise Glück作品回答浩瀚無垠的宇宙之下埋藏的距離與情緒,在驚嘆於不可能的變化之下,人類該如何自身安命。
