<Artist Night 藝術家之夜2021>
July 2021

Curator and Producer: Jasmine Cheung
CO-curator: David Chan
Public Programme "Art After Hours"
for Tai Kwun Contemporary

橫跨大館內多個場地,訪客可以在其中—包括「城市」、「森林」 、「溫室」區域—自由穿梭,投入四周隨時變幻的聲色衝擊。無需文字和說辭,藝術不夜館的作品追求直接,撩動懷舊的、實驗的、幽默的、歷史的、科技的等等不同感受層次。
「城市」劉清華以日本駐留時觀察對居民跳石渡過京都鴨川的日常,紀錄流水以外節奏,同時展出於大館當代美術館期間完成的定點定格動畫,以炭筆填滿眼前的牆上的空白,密集而重複的身體和精神勞動投射於聚集的人每一格的移動,劉清華兩部作品均以長時間的投入,探索敍事的可能及以身體的記憶為創作題材。廖沛毅兩部作品都以膠卷創作影像作品,形式橫跨非傳統紀錄片形式、抽象日記電影、多頻道裝置與十六釐米現場電影表演等,他自許以地理心理學捕捉近年劇烈變動中的香港,創作出一部抒情的編年輯。張靜瑜、Jeffery、余林橞、龔志成、Nerve、李銘義, 組成的實驗組合。專注以身體作為媒介的即興聲音表演和行為藝術,創作場域獨特的聲音演出,與監倉內追溯抽象的語言與溝通。
「溫室」VON3、manvsmachine、 陳朗丰於場地內,以聲音演出配合多媒體影像。
「森林」Yarli Allison則在各演出場地的中心位置「森林」
Jeffery 、manvsmachine、 Nerve 、VON3 、 Yarli Allison、張靜瑜、陳浩駿、劉清華、余林橞、龔志成、陳朗丰、許敖山、廖沛毅、李銘義
Shaping the night into a one-of-a-kind audio-visual performative experience, this year’s special edition of Art After Hours brings together some of the most exciting and creative artists in the city. With various sound performances ranging from abstract sound broadcasts to post-rock to jazz-inspired music improvisation juxtaposed by imagery that are dazzling, insistent, or sublimely tranquil by turns, the invited artists all strive to express their own creative idioms and phrases, without resorting to the language that is particular to their chosen art forms.
Art After Hours spans multiple areas in Tai Kwun. Visitors are invited to wander through different areas — “City”, “Woods”, “Greenhouse” — and become submerged into the ever-morphing, challenging sights and sounds around them. Without relying on words, the works in Art After Hours strike at immediacy, provoking layers from the nostalgic, historical, and humorous, to the experimental and technological.
THE CITY Jess Lau presents a stop-motion animation completed at the Daikan Museum of Contemporary Art, using charcoal to fill in the blank spaces on the wall in front of him. Jess's works explore the possibilities of narrative and use physical memory as their subject matter. Both works by Simon Liu are video works on film, spanning non-traditional documentary formats, abstract diary films, multi-channel installations and live cinema performances on 16mm, and he has created a lyrical chronicle by capturing the geographic psychology of Hong Kong in the midst of recent dramatic changes. An experimental ensemble consisting of Annysa, Jeffery, Karen, Kung Chi Shing, Nerve and Teeda. Focusing on improvised sound performance and performance art using the body as a medium, the group creates site-specific sound performances that trace abstract language and communication with the supervisor.
THE GREENHOUSE VON3, manvsmachine and Chen Langfeng will be performing in the venue, using sound performance and multimedia video, and asking questions.
THE FOREST has Yarli Allison at the centre of the venues.
Participated Artists:
Jeffery 、manvsmachine、 Nerve 、VON3 、 Yarli Allison、Annysa Cheung、Chan Ho Chun、Jess Lau、Karen Yu、Kung Chi Shing、Lazarus Chan、Nerve、Simon Liu、Teeda Lee